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Matching Grant Application Form

Our Purpose: We offer Matching Grants for kudzu eradication projects that enhance the appearance of public spaces in Polk County. The Polk County Appearance Commission is dedicated to plantings of native trees, bushes and flowers. 

When completing this application, please consider the following: Note that Total Project Budget  must  be double the amount of the Grant Request Amount as this is a Matching Grant.


The Appearance Commission will seek to award kudzu eradication grants in diverse locations throughout Polk County. 

Name and Title of Head of Organization -  (CEO/Exec. Director/President/Board Chair) 

If your contact person is different than above, please list below

Your application has been submitted.


After submitting this application, please email the following documents to Alternatively, you can mail your documents and pictures to PCAC, P.O. Box 308, Columbus, NC 28722, or drop off at the Womack Building in Columbus at the County Manager's Office. 


1. Please provide a project budget that includes quotes for equipment or products to be purchased, and, if any,  in-kind work is expected (# volunteers X # hours @$25 per hour).  Keep your receipts.

2. Include “before” pictures.  Pictures after the completion of the project will be due with the final report. 3. Project Assessment (page 3)–completed by qualified individual, County Extension Agent, or company willing to do kudzu removal.  A list of companies is provided on our website:


Kudzu Removal Companies

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